Tuesday, 31 August 2021

 We made it Room 2 Saints!!!!! Term 3 Week 6 (2weeks) in lockdown level 4 😌 This morning in our Google Meet the focus was: Participation

Learning this morning was recapping the famous BEDMAS and ANGLE PROPERTIES


Awesome participation from our teachers taking on Room 2 and the teaching & learning shared this morning - house points went through the roof.........Watch this space for something cool happening at our google meet Friday 3rd September - not to be missed 😂

Lockdown is on!!!!

 Well we are back - Lockdown, Distant Learning, Level 4 & Bubbles.....what next??? I know Google Meets 😆 Sharing some cool photos of Room 2's happenings during lockdown.

Photo Medley

We have had an awesome 15 days checking in on our class friends, having the odd LOL here and there 👀 Spinning our class wheel for the chance of winning Mrs Haioti's cool prizes 'virtual & real' 😂 Congratulations to our virtual winners:

Dhanonjoy - virtual Mcdonalds & Pizza 

Ayla - virtual car

Pila - virtual mobile phone (his brand choice Oppo)

 Lots of other cool prizes won (real) like: Mcdonalds, ice-cream sundaes, Mrs Haiotis treasure box, stationery, Pizza. Housepoints going strong & a added bonus for PB4L challenges in our bubbles.  Watch this space for Wig Friday coming live in Rm 2.

Wednesday, 30 June 2021

Day out at the Auckland War Memorial Museum

 Today was an awesome day out with Room 2 at the Museum where we got to see up close what we have been studying in class 'The Pandemics in History'.  A bonus was also learning about how the Spanish Flu linked to WW1 and the impact this had on the soldiers.  One of the highlights for me was learning that the families of the war veterans on the memory wall donated the funds to build that memorial for and on behalf of their fallen family members, also the Volcano house simulator that caught me by surprise (we wont go into detail) 👀

We were very fortunate to also have Adrian one of the Museum guides take us through the WAR MEMORIAL area.  Although our topic of inquiry was Pandemics, Adrian did a great job integrating this for our class.  Massive thank you to Mr Sa and Miss Thomas for an awesome day (even the City of Sails tour) and then finishing off the day before heading back to school with a frozen coke & ice-cream 🍦.  Great day with the best bunch of kids #Room2


Thursday, 25 March 2021

Sharing our learning with others

 Today was a first of........Room 2 during our writing block decided we were going to get better at sharing the cool learning happening in our class through 'BLOGGING'.  Wow - I have spent a minute or many commenting on my awesome students blogs posted today. Super impressed that most of the blogs were around the maths concepts we have been learning about in class and the strategies they used to solve them.  One of the concepts we plugged in was: Converting fractions to decimals, mixed fractions to improper fractions, decimals to fractions and many more.  Our next plug in will be percentages and integers.  Super proud that everyone in Room 2 are having fun while learning maths and they are enjoying the challenges.  Very proud to share a few of the blogs from Room 2 students today:   

Wednesday, 24 March 2021

PE poolside action

 Room 2 in action spec 4 today poolside - Team building activity before kicking into a refresher on the 'torpedo position and glide' 😀 using their legs to kick only while they glide across the pool to the other side.  Good practise and some of our students had great technique (all the lessons with Mr Ball paid off).  While the hype was still fresh - Room 2 under very close supervision 👀 decided to create a class memory in slow-motion getting some bombing practise in 😏.  Highlights this session was Jonathan hyping his peers up in the pool playing volleyball 'come on guys lets get it', followed by Javarn 'Team work makes the dream work'.  Blessed to have such an awesome class 👍


Ice-Ball Experiment

 Check out the cool learning happening in our Careers in STEM class this week - 'Ice-Ball'  (click here)

Learning objective 'Gather and interpret data' Check out some of the fun we had in our Science Lab yesterday finished off with a ice-ball smash in slow-motion. What I enjoyed was the engagement happening through the conversations my students were having 'look at the cracks after I added the iodine' 'look at the food coloring spreading all over the ice-ball'. Great hands on activity 👌


Thursday, 4 March 2021

Lockdown hits Week 5


Deja Vu has returned 'COVID19' has struck once again and again and again taking us into a 7 day lockdown at level 3 😒 Despite this interruption to the start of our year, teachers kicked into gear to get their Distant Learning plans set and ready for their students.  
Shout out to our students for their resilience and continuing to learn at home with the resources available to them.  Google hangouts have been happening across the 6 classes over the last few days and our last hangout (maybe) will be tomorrow at 9.30am, so hopefully we get a few more Room 2 students tapping into to say hi 😄 Here are some pics of google hangouts in action:


Mid Term kicking in

We have safely arrived to week 3 & 4 and we are starting to settle in to our class routines and expectations.  Our class treaty created by using the 3 P's of the Treaty of Waitangi as a platform 'Participation' 'Partnership' 'Protection'  The expectations under each heading was the ideas formed by our class 👍😎 Testing hit is all at once this week with e-asTTle Maths, REading, Writing, NZCER, Basic facts,  and Spelling and we were very lucky that most of our class returned from a 3 day lockdown in Week 2 so most of our class were able to test.

Tried this visual activity using mini whiteboards/markers with our class - I gave the instructions to the class they had to draw what I was telling them (we may need to do this activity again things didn't match up 😉😉😉 on their whiteboards with my task sheet)


Super proud of the year 7's in our class stepping up each morning to run fitness - shout out to Enson and Jonathan who have consistently put their hands up to run fitness alongside our year 8's 💪 Lots of fun during fitness in the mornings and even better when the teacher joins in 😆 (teacher goal: jog 2 laps around the court hehehehehehehehe) so far 1 lap and 3/4's 😂😂😂😂😂😂 Here is some pics of what our Room 2 saints got up too: