Friday 30 August 2019

Day 1: Digital Fluency Intensive **Google Chrome**

Day 1 done and dusted - Well not familiar with the area I ended up somewhere other than where I was meant to be - that was even with studying google maps on directions and getting a actual print out of directions from my Principal 👀

The day started with a bit of background information about Manaiakalani and how the organisation was organised.  We then got into 'Google Drive' which for me was awesome because if you were to journey through my drive, you probably would get lost trying to navigate your way through the many folders that I created for the sake of creating.  What I learnt and will definitely apply to my own drive is having a organisation and files are in their relevant places.  I also learnt that you can color code your folders 👌 who knew, so that is also on the agenda.

We also went through using Google docs and some of the functions which was pretty cool and there was a few moments where the lightbulb flickered - one of those aha moments for me 👍 One of the features that was cool was using the Normal text function to change your doc with just one click.  A highlight for me was the levelling up part - I chose to sit in on the add-ons/extensions session which was cool because I got to learn about all these really cool add-ons that I know will definitely help me and my students.  One of the add-ons that was cool was Flaticon - using emotions in google docs.  
'Flaticon can be used to turbo-charge your docs' (this was taken from the Add-on slide).

Today I created a google doc that had a range of links that were specific to the Pacific Language Weeks that we celebrate at my school Wesley Intermediate School and also appears on my class site.  Creating the google doc I was able to use some of the tips and tricks that we picked up today to make enhance our doc.  I used the explore function to access images, png at the end of my image search to show images without a background and I also used the table of properties function where I could change the background color of the table cells cool 😄 Here is the finished doc:
Each image is linked to a site 😎 on interesting facts on that country, I also included one of my go to sites for anything Pasifika 'Coconettv'.  Definitely looking forward to the next DFI.


  1. I find your DLO visually appealing Gaewyn. What sites did you link to each of the represented countries? Could you share these. I haven't seen the Coconetv site before and am excited to explore this resource. Thank you. I was also excited by the use of the normal text function to change a doc with just one click, as I like to play around with the font used in documents. .

    1. Thank you for your comment (made my day lol-trying to get better at this blogging stuff) so first learning for me after reviewing my blog is that I had uploaded a nice screenshot & assumed that magically my links will link on their own?? This was not the case (my bad) so I have sought help from the professionals (I also took note for next time) and now if you click on the image it will take you directly to my doc which then you can access each flag. As with Coconet Tv yes yes yes - I invite you to go check it out, me and my class super love this site.

  2. Hi Gaewyn, Glad you arrived eventually. Looks like you have already learnt a whole lot of skills. It sounds like it was a very full on day. Looking forward to hearing more about what you are learning.

    1. Thanks for the comment Mr Davis! My plan is to leave so much earlier (but in my directional case - anything can happen) so that I can arrive on time **2nd session arrived at 7.29am lol** Watch this space for my next blog!!

  3. What a fabulous graphic you created in the humble Doc. And thanks for sharing it in it's living, working form to bless others.
    I am sorry we did not support you to find the place better. I have learnt from this that we need to provide better directions.


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