Well - 1st week of Level 3 lockdown, done and dusted and I survived although it was a very short week. Got to hangout with my awesome class where we focussed on navigating through our class site so that we were all on the same page and each member knew where to go to access their learning. I created 4 videos using sreencastify (this was because its the free version 5minutes max) 'gummon screencastify' 😌 still greatful to SCREENCASTIFY.
Another great catch up with my students and always looking forward to the next hangout - awesome to have other teachers join our hangouts. Each hangout comes with a different narrative from my students - whether it relates to boredom/younger siblings/missing friends or just an outlet to reset I have learnt so much about them and myself during this whole lockdown/online distant learning experience - even better no one has had to use their WITS and no WALL OF OPPORTUNITIES have happened (we must do doing something right Rm 2)
One of the really cool foci in our planning this week is to learn some NZSL. So that challenge has been set by next Fridays hangout each student will sign their first and last name using NZSL - so watch this space. Enjoy the weekend...........Oh yeah shot to the winning house this week.
Hi Mrs Haioti, It was really nice getting some teachers on and getting them to talk to the students. Maybe you could post about what we were talking about but I really loved getting teachers to jump on the calls.