Friday, 15 November 2019

Signed, Sealed & Delivered - DFI Exam Day

Wow - so today I get to say HOORAY, YIPPEE, DONE & DUSTED - today was 'EXAM DAY' 😀 and I am super proud to say that I passed (was a bit doubtful when I got up to the sheets part) but here is the evidence:
Although I had missed 3 sessions in total I still was able to go through the slides and do some revision so that I was not too far behind when I returned back to the next session.  It was quite nerve racking (and I can only imagine how it must feel for my students during testing time, or my own children sitting exams) at one point I had to sit on my hands because they were shaking so much (due to google sheets & youtube questions). During these questions I had 'nearly' made some vital mistakes but remembered what Dorothy had emphasised at the beginning of the exam 'READ THE QUESTION' - so after a few 'read the question moments' I am glad I chose the better answer/option.  With being a bit more digital confident and being able to navigate the google tools better I think this was also a major factor in me passing the exam.  The biggest hurdle was the youtube channel - a cross eye moment happened but then another Dorothy lightbulb moment was remembered 'this magic tab called **review later**' and that is exactly what I did - so glad 👌.  I found the class sites easy only because I have been using class sites more confidently in the last year or so, and most of the questions I was able to easily navigate what I needed to do.  Super greatful to Gerhard and Dorothy for all their support and help throughout this journey in shaping me to be a better practitioner in using the Learn, Create, Share model to enhance the teaching and learning experiences for my students.  Awesome collaboration Cohort 3 - we rock!!

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